Ruth Core
Global Equities

About the fund

Ruth Core Global Equities is an actively managed equity fund that invests in global companies that all have a common denominator - a strong and ambitious level of sustainability.

It is a broad and comprehensive fund for global equities in your portfolio. It is well suited for those who want to diversify their portfolio and at the same time invest in a fund that has a robust and sustainable strategy at its core.

Sustainability is at the heart of the investment strategy behind the fund. By applying the three-dimensional sustainability model Sustainability CubeTM, each company is assigned a sustainability score based on their greenhouse gas emissions, ESG ranking and their contribution to achieving the UN's Sustainable Development Goals.

With a strong and experienced management team, a clear sustainability focus and a robust investment process, Ruth Core Global Equities is a broad and sustainable fund.

Fakta om fonden

Fund name
Ruth Core Global Equities A
Global Equity
MSCI World Net Total Return SEK Index
NAV price 3/28/2025
146.19 SEK
Inception date
Trading frequency
Net assets 2/28/2025
8 915 MSEK
Management fee
0,75 %
Ongoing charges
1,60 %
Performance fee
0,00 %
  • Geographical exposure
    Sector allocation

    Currency exposure
    Number of holdings
    • Basic
    • Enhanced
    • Focused
    • Impact

    Exposure to sustainability risks and opportunities

    • Shows the fund's exposure to potential risks associated with environmental, social and governance aspects.

      ESG Leadership Score

      How well the companies in the fund are positioned to manage ESG-related risk

      Measures exposure to risk and its management.

      7 Comparison 9 Fund

      Datasource: Sustainability CubeTM score.
      Read more


      Which controversial sectors the fund does not invest in.

      Corporate governance

      The companies in the fund's average proportion of independent board members.

      84 %


      82 %


      Datasource: MSCI

    • Shows the fund's exposure to climate-related transition risks and opportunities.

      Climate transition score

      How well companies are positioned to address the challenges posed by climate change.

      Measures, among other things, companies' carbon dioxide emissions, companies' emission reduction targets and progress towards targets.

      7 Comparison 7 Fund

      Datasource: Sustainability CubeTM score.
      Read more

      Climate risk exposure

      How companies are exposed to physical and transition-related climate risks.

      Measures the vulnerability of companies based on, among other things, emissions, the type of activity and its geographical location.

      Low High

      Datasource: MSCI


      Measures the carbon intensity of the portfolio based on the ratio of the underlying company's emissions to revenues as a weighted average - WACI.


      12 Tonnes CO2e

      M Euro revenue


      86 Tonnes CO2e

      M Euro revenue

      Datasource: MSCI

    Impact of the investment

    • Shows the fund's exposure to companies that contribute to solving global challenges and impact on sustainability factors.

      UN Global Goals score

      How well the companies in the fund contribute to the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

      Measures how well the companies' activities, revenues, products and services contribute to individual objectives.

      6 Comparison 6 Fund

      Datasource: Sustainability CubeTM score.
      Read more

      Main negative consequences on sustainability *

      Showcases a few of the funds actual or potential negative impact on sustainability, measured through a few criteria for social and personnel questions.

      Fund Comparison

      Company breaches of UNGC norms

      The share of companies in the fund that have breached at least one of the 10 principles set by FN Global Compact (UNGC) measured as serious breaches.

      0.0% 0.0%

      Company breaches of OECD norms

      The share of companies in the fund that have breached at least one of the principles set by OECD measured as serious breaches.

      0.0% 0.1%

      Boardmember gender distribution

      The average share of female board members for the underlying companies in the fund

      38.5% 36.3%

      Datasource: MSCI

      * In the investment process for the funds the fund company assesses selected negative consequences for sustainable development. All factors are not assessed for all funds and are not relevant for all underlying investments in the funds. Read more in the Policy for Due Diligence of the fund

    The Fund's sustainability figures are based on the entire portfolio. The fund's sustainability performance is compared to a portfolio consisting of 100% MSCI World Index.

  • Performance

    1 day
    −1,71 %
    −10,55 %
    −12,21 %
    1 year
    −4,01 %
    3 year
    22,06 %
    5 year


    Standard deviation 1 year
    13,80 %
    Standard deviation 3 year
    13,32 %
    Standard deviation 5 year
    Max drawdown
    17,01 %
    Value at risk
    7,72 %

    The fund was launched on July 1, 2024, and is in effect a continuation of the merging fund Ruth Core Global Equities (SE0015837687). The receiving fund and the merging fund had similar investment objectives and policies, and they were managed by the same investment team. Since the merger did not impact the fund's performance, the historical data prior to July 1, 2024, is reported for the merging fund, Ruth Core Global Equities (SE0015837687).

Portfolio managers

  • Bjarne Graven Larsen

  • Fredrik Martinsson

  • Lars Voss Toft

  • Thomas Stryger Olsen